02 November 2007

A great day!

Happy birthday to me,
I am out of my tree,
I wish I could think of a really funny rhyme to put at the end of this line so your coffee will come out of your nose when you read this,
Happy birthday to me!

07:30 Creak out of bed and stagger to bathroom.
07:31 Spy large white envelope on bathroom sink.
07:34 Carry envelope back to bed to be opened. Surprise! A birthday card from Himself, complete with funny message and large amounts of cash.
07:37 Call Himself and offer many thanks and mushy thoughts.
08:12 Return to bathroom for shower and assorted morning rituals.
08:39-09:15 Acccept phone calls, texts and e-mails from well-wishers.
09:31 Enter DMV for new driver's licence and accompanying mug shot.
09:40 Hit fast-food joint on way to "the big city".
10:45 Begin lavish spree in LYS.
11:17 Berate self for greed, return half of chosen items to shelf.
11:18 Say, "Screw it, it's my birthday!" and reclaim replaced items.
11:23 Flee with purchases.
11:30-14:00 Wander various department stores, snickering at "high fashion".
14:30 Meet friends J and B for fabulous cheeseburger lunch. With fries.
16:03 Head for home.
16:45 Arrive home, greet Himself. Exclaim over wonderful day. Open recently arrived cards.
18:00 Visit favorite restaurant for dinner. Steak and shrimp. Much drooling.
18:59 Himself precipitates much embarrassment by arranging for servers to sing "Happy Birthday" and deliver chocolate pie.
22:00 Reluctantly disentangle self from spouse, depart for work.
22:41 Make blog entry, wait to see if rumors of cake are true.

I smell frosting...


Lapdog Creations said...

Happy Birthday!

Dianne said...

Hey - Happy Birthday! I'm sitting here drinking my coffee, and I almost snorted it, just reading your little song, so mission accomplished! I hope you have a great birthday weekend! No, birthday week....how about birthday month?

Lisa Marie said...

Wow! It only took ya 9 minutes at the DMV? If S or I have to go to the one in Johnson County, we might as well figger on waiting there an hour at least it seems! Or do you get to cut in line since it was your bday? lol

Glad ya had a great one!! =)

Mags said...

Happy (belated) birthday..or maybe your's is like the Queen's...goes on for ages!!!!
Sounds like you had a lovely day...aw..

Anonymous said...

I didn't forget about your birthday this year because you posted about that earlier in your blog! ;)

Glad you enjoyed the cheeseburga!