12 May 2009

Good grief!

Oh, ma darlin',
oh, ma darlin',
oh ma DARRRRRR-lin' Blogentine!
I've ignored you far too long, now;
dreadful sorry, Blogentine!

Wow, I've been away for a while, haven't I? Sorry about that. Now, what the heck have I been doing?

Well, I got some knitting done. And promptly forgot to take pictures of it before giving it away.

I also made some cakes! Uh, yeah. Failed to get pictures of them, too.

Hey, look over there!

Hm? Yeah. Diversionary tactic. Failed completely. Oh, well. On the plus side, I am enjoying a brief spate of monogamous knitting. I KNOW!! I made a prayer shawl and three water bottle cozies and am on to a pair of socks, all one after another, no casting on of anything else in between.

You're impressed, right? Me, too. Or maybe I'm ill. Anyway, the socks are very cool and will be done tonight. Remind me to take some pictures before I mail them, okay?



Anonymous said...

LOL at you :) Sorry, no diversionary tactics work. But I love your words, pictures are merely a bonus. Wright on!

Mags said...

Missed you..wow..I'm impressed by all your projects. Sock pix would be nice..cake pix...much nicer!
Happy knitting.

Dianne said...

Consider this a reminder to take some pics of those socks! More pics of the little man would be very welcome, too! :)

Judy said...

Wow you have been busy.
Take pix of the sox.


Anonymous said...

Don't worry. I hear that as you get older, you tend to forget more and more things...not that that would happen to us, of course...

Sue said...

Isn't it annoying when you remember the pictures and it's too late. I keep telling myself I won't do it again. Ha!