15 July 2010

Fiber overdose.

My friend Naomi contacted me recently to see if I was interested in a fiber swap. I immediately said yes, for several reasons.

First off, she always sends really cool stuff. Interesting blends, fun colorways, fluffy batts; there's never a dull moment in going through a swap box.

For another thing, there's the fun of getting a package in the mail. I also like the fact that it freaks out the mail carrier to see a big ol' box to deliver that weighs next to nothing. Huzzah for low wool-shipping charges!

Most importantly, there's the whole "use it or lose it" concept. As I mentioned in my return e-mail, I have a lot of fiber. A lot. As in, I should get the Golden Colon award. You've been through a scenario like this: buy something that appeals to you, decide later that it's not quite what you had in mind even though you do love it, then never use it.

I can only use so many two-ounce strips of roving in not-quite-matched shades of blue, you know?

So we do a fiber swap every few months. It's like Sheep Christmas, but without the stress and crowds. Or the musical light-up rotating Chia pet with the tag still attached...


Mags said...

Ummm..Christmas in July..a great idea.
Happy knitting, spinning and swapping.
M. xo

Lourie said...

I have this sudden urge to watch A Christmas Story! heh.

Knits in Church said...

Glad the package arrived safely. Did you snap any pics of the mailman's face?