15 March 2010

No longer feeling hateful toward the Post Office...

I got my pakcage mailed! Not only that, but there was no waiting. El zilcho. I walked up to the counter and told the clerk, "Hi! I'd like to mail this large box of cash to my offshore holdings, please."

She laughed (bonus points for her) and I told her what was really in the package.

"Oh, do you spin?"


"Well, I should give you some of my alpaca fleeces when I shear this spring."


So, the Post Office clerk has a sense of humor AND alpacas? And is willing to share? SCORE!

Of course, this means that I will probably never see the sun again. I will also have permanently rounded shoulders and a groove worn into my right index finger from spinning alpaca plus my stash of angora plus the cool stuff I got in my fiber swap box plus the big shawl project PLUS the other fibery stuff that jumps out at me every time I open a closet door.

I'm being stalked by roving.

I'm going to take a day off from spinning to work out a pattern for a... Hm. I shouldn't tell you yet, because it's sort of a surprise. See, I have this friend who just recently learned to spin, and he sent me some of the yarn he made. A ball of his "better" stuff, and what he calls "Baby's first yarn". It's thick and squishy and beautiful. I have an idea of what it should be, but I have to work out the pattern and knit it up and post the results.

What would YOU do with two hanks of bulky, super-soft, fudgy brown alpaca yarn?

Besides roll in it...


Lourie said...

Make some sweaters, a blanket...hmmm...a hat--can you do that???? I wouldn't roll in it, but I might rub it on my face a bit.

Kitten With a Whiplash said...

Sun? Highly over-rated. Rounded shoulders? Shows the drape of an Alpaca shawl ever so nicely. Groove in finger? I got nothing for that one!

Dianne said...

I'm glad the Post Orifice redeemed themselves today!

Mags said...

Woo-hoo....lucky you....what a sweetie.
I'm sure you'll think of some great project, but you have a (very) busy life! (Whew...I'm worn out just reading.)
Enjoy. Happy spinning and planning.

Pete said...

Now if it were me with a load of super-soft bulky alpaca I'd just add it to my stash and hope the moths don't get to it before I'm struck with inspiration.