08 October 2009

Here I sit, full of coffee...

Tried to... uh... bought a... erm...

Never mind. I've contracted Failure To Be Inspired, I guess. On the plus side, creativity isn't the only thing I seem to have lost. A total of ten pounds down the drain, woo-hoo! If only it were possible to select the bits to be carved away...

Big news here in Tiny town. We're getting... a yarn shop. An actual Home Of Knitting, a Center Of String. A real, live yarn shop, mere blocks from our house and conveniently located on the home-bound path from work.

I'm doomed.

The portion of my pittance that does NOT currently go to home/health/baby necessities like food, electricity, hospital bills, and exciting new bath toys is already earmarked for my favorite book and yarn stores. If a new yarn shop does indeed make an appearance, I will be forced to rob a bank to keep up with the supply that I will no doubt demand.

We must support local business, after all.

There is a chance, however. This new store will need a gimmick. Something cool and groovy that cannot be found anywhere else. Perhaps... a line of locally dyed and spun yarn?



Anonymous said...

Uh-oh sounds like trouble.

I park in the same place so that I can walk through the Yarn Barn on my way to wherever I am going downtown. It is fun to have such nice yarn close by.

Dee Anna

Mags said...

10 lbs(congrats)...the fruit smoothies are paying off big time...write the blender book.
Yep, you're doomed. Possibly you could work for yarn.
Happy knitting.
M. xo

Lourie said...

This is kind of silly but, I use yahoo for chat and you can have an avatar. And most recently there is a shirt for the girls now that says I love knitting and a background that is a yarn store. I think of you everytime I see it! haha. Have fun at the store.

Anonymous said...

No way, a new yarn store? That's good and bad news at the same time!

molly said...

You'll just have to exercise GREAT self control! But, if you get in early with your idea, it might turn out to your advantage!

Knits in Church said...

I haven't lived in Kansas for 2 years and I still miss the Yarn Barn.