29 October 2009

Gray and nasty, but there's coffee...

Yay, fall. My back walk is turning into tea from all the leaves and rain. Yick.

Oh, well. I have coffee to drink, books to read, and lots of yarn for knitting. It LOOKS like lots of yarn, anyway. I'm sure if I really thought about it, I could probably come up with all kinds of reasons to buy more.

"I don't have this color."

"I need that weight."

"This isn't the right kind of fiber for the project I have in mind."

"I want a contrast color for the cuff."

"Someone at work is having a baby and I need to make something."

"My nephew has a birthday coming up and he's been hinting for socks."

"I've been invited to a function and I need a dressy accessory."

See? Rationalizing is easy. Pick almost any vice, er, hobby, and try it yourself. Now if you'll excuse me, I need a cookie. This cup of coffee looks lonely...


molly said...

Ah, this could be me, if you changed "yarn" to "fabric!" New is so exciting, full of possibilities. I've been very good, using up what was once new and exciting......

Kitten With a Whiplash said...

How about this: Buying this yarn will force me to use the yarn I already have, as soon as I can find the perfect new patterns for the old yarn, and then I can get to the patterns I have now, that I'm waiting to make, as soon I can find the right new yarns to make them with.

Anonymous said...

Erk. I am so useless, I am all 'drive to this shop and buy what I need'. Colour me hopeless...

Anonymous said...

You mean you still think you need an excuse to buy more yarn? My sister's full of them, so if you ever run out...