02 July 2009

Tagged, eh?

Well, the weather is back to normal for this time of year. A comfortable 90 degrees with average humidity. Having heard the weather reports from other parts of the country, I think I'm pretty glad to live here.

Speaking of "here", here is a picture. My very dear friend who blogs under the name of CA Girl (over there on the list) tagged me. I'm supposed to go into the first folder and post the tenth picture, with details. I hope I got that right, anyway!

This is me with my young man, all of two hours old. I'm singing to him, which is probably why he's yawning. That tiny bundle of big eyes is now a walking, talking fourteen-month-old ball of fire who charms everyone in his path. Especially his parents.

I shall wait for the appropriate "awwwwwwww" sounds...

Right. Now, there's a second part to this picturing thing. I have to tag FIVE people to do the same! Well, you don't have to post of picture of sweaty and exhausted me with my tiny darling, but you DO have to go into your first folder and post the tenth picture.


Lisa (of course), Dee and Lora (two at once, I'm lazy and they share a blog), Molly (because I'm nosy), and Mags (because she makes awesome socks).

You may, of course feel free to tell me what I can do with my folders and pictures, but it would be more fun to share. Drop me a line when you've posted, so I can make more than my usual slacker effort to get online and peek.


Lourie said...

Awwwww. There you go. Great pic. Those first moments are the best.

Mags said...

You look great two hours after the big (exhausting event) and your little man is adorable..then and now. "Awwwwww"
Thanks for the lovely compliment and okay, I'll play.
Happy knitting.
P.S. Your updated picture on the side bar deserves another awwwww...the boy gets cuter everyday! (Must be good genes.)

Dianne said...


Mags said...

I posted. Such as it is!
Happy knitting...happy 4th..

Anonymous said...

That picture is just gorgeous :)

Anonymous said...

My pic is up. It is not nearly as nice as yours.

Anonymous said...

That's actually one of the better ideas for a tag I've seen. Good job on actually matching it with a decent picture!

molly said...

I looked in my photo folders. all the tenth pics are extremely boring and wouldn't in any way satisfy a nosy person, such as yourself! So I will just pick one that might go a little ways towards doing that.....soon.

molly said...

.....that is a very happy photo! .....if you were about 60, which I realize you're not, but someday!--I'd have to say I think we were room mates in college!